Fredberg Marine AB is an agency- and trading company within the marine business. Our office is located at Klippan area, close to the bridge Älvsborgsbron, in Gothenburg, Sweden. We work with a number of suppliers and can offer a wide range of products to vessels, please find a list below of suppliers and products.

The company was founded by my father 1st of January 1998 and I joined in 1999. So over 20 years in the business so far and we hope to continue the journey. If you have a need for products within our product range please feel free to contact us by phone or email and we will be happy to serve you accordingly. Looking forward to your enquiries!

Pehr Fredberg, Owner & Sales Representative
Pehr Fredberg, Owner & Sales Representative


Twist locks for containers
Sacrificial anodes
Towing hooks
Watertight sliding doors
Doors (weather and watertight)
Warping rollers and bollards
Anchor and chain cable from stock
Mooring hooks type QRH
Tank vent check valves
Roller fairleads, panamachocks and chainstoppers
Ships windows and sidelights
Oily water separators and fresh water makers type r/o
Manholes (both oval and round)
Fenders (round, d-shaped and squared)
Rudders and steering gear


Compass Water Solutions, Inc.

Oily water separators type Ultra-Sep, Fresh water generators type reverse osmosis.


Different fender profiles in rubber, d-shaped, cylindrical and square.

G.J. Wortelboer Jr.

Anchors and chaincable available from stock in Rotterdam. Anchor weights ranging from 50 – 20 000 kgs. Chaincables in all dia available.

H.K. van Wingerden

Ships windows, all kinds, single, double and el heated glass, A60 etc, frames in alu and steel, sidelights and bulls eyes.


Searchlights, both manual and remote controlled, halogen, xenon, icesearchlights and LED.

Mampaey Offshore Industries

Mooring and towing hooks.

McMillan Design

Sea Catch – Small release hooks, completely in stainless steel.


Gangways, accommodation ladders, sacrificial anodes etc.

Palfinger Marine Europe

Lifesaving equipment like davits and lifeboats, deck cranes, Fast rescue boats and equipment for Training centers.

Schaffran Propeller + Service

Propellers, both fixed and controllable pitch, propeller shafts and repair.

SEC Bremen

Lashing equipment of different kinds and container fittings.

THR Marine

Anchor and mooring winches, Chainstoppers, bollards, panamachocks and warping rollers.


Weather and watertight hinged doors, watertight sliding doors, fire and cabin doors, hull doors, hatches, manholes, Tank vent check valves, both galvanised and aluminium.

Damen Marine Components

Specializes in the design and production of premium maneuvering systems and marine equipment.

Van der Velden Marine Systems

Part of DMC, offering Steering gear and rudder systems.

Fredberg Marine AB
Banehagsgatan 15, 414 51 Göteborg, Sweden
+46 709 71 05 65  |  sales@fredmarine.se